Mary Lynne Stratta Legislative Update Scholarship header



Maximum amount awarded: $500 per recipient, once every other year

Mary Lynne Stratta Legislative Update Scholarship

Scholarship Committee will consider all applications, deliberate on the factors of eligibility, and designate the scholarship awards for all of one calendar year. The actual presentation of the awards will occur at the Annual TMCA Awards Banquet, held in conjunction with the TMCCP Advanced Institute. Scholarship winners will be notified that they have received a scholarship.

The deadline for annual scholarship applications is June 15

The recipient(s) will be notified by the end of August and attendance at the TMCA Annual Awards event confirmed.

NOTE: Members apply for the Mary Lynne Stratta Legislative Update Scholarship in the current calendar year and, if awarded, must use the funds in the following calendar year. The Mary Lynne Stratta Legislative Update Scholarship is awarded every other year at the TMCA Annual Banquet. 

Purpose of Scholarship

The scholarship program is intended to assist awardee with registration fees and travel expenses for a Legislative Update seminar held the following year of receipt of the award. 

Scholarship Administration

The Chair of the Scholarship Committee must receive all scholarship applications by June 15.

The TMCA, Inc., treasurer disburses scholarship funds to the recipient(s) on a cost-reimbursement basis not to exceed the amount(s) awarded. The recipient(s) shall be reimbursed for qualifying expenses incurred between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31 of the year following the award of scholarship.

The recipient must submit the Request for Reimbursement Form along with a copy of receipt(s) to receive payment for reimbursable expenses.

Eligible Applicants

  1. Applicant must be a member of the Texas Municipal Clerks Association for at least the past 6 months.
  2. Applicant must be enrolled in the Certification Program.
  3. Applicant must be employed continuously for the past 6 months in the capacity of municipal clerk/city secretary; assistant municipal clerk/assistant city secretary; deputy municipal clerk/deputy city secretary; a combination of these positions; or as an employee of the city secretary’s office who performs core city secretary duties.  If applicant is an employee of the city secretary’s office but does not have the title of municipal clerk/city secretary; assistant municipal clerk/assistant city secretary; deputy municipal clerk/deputy city secretary; or a combination of these positions, applicant must submit a letter of support from the supervising city secretary supporting applicant’s participation in TMCA and acknowledging that job functions include supporting the city secretary in the core duties of the office.
  4. Applicant must be a municipal employee.

Selection Criteria

  1. Applicants must meet all of the eligibility requirements.
  2. Scholarships will be awarded based on a combination of the applicant’s years of municipal service, membership in TMCA, Inc., and progress in the Texas Municipal Clerks Certification/Recertification Program. 
  3. Preference will be given to applicants who have not received a previous award within the last three years.
  4. Preference will be given to 1) city secretaries or municipal clerks; 2) assistant or deputy city secretaries or municipal clerks; and 3) other TMCA, Inc., members. 
  5. Members of the current scholarship committee are not eligible to apply for a TMCA Major Scholarship 


The Mary Lynne Stratta TMCCP Legislative Update Scholarship was established in 2024, in honor of Mary Lynne’s long-time passion, service, and commitment to the Texas Municipal Clerks Association and Certification Program.  Ms. Stratta strongly believes that municipal clerks must be involved in the legislative process for their cities.  It is imperative that they understand the impact of certain legislation on their cities, and how to communicate with state elected officials about those concerns.  Monitoring the movement of city related bills during legislative sessions and then assisting with implementation of new laws is essential to good governance.

Mary Lynne has faithfully served TMCA for more than three decades.  She was first appointed to the TMCA Executive Board in 2000.   After serving as a Trustee on the Board for two years, Mary Lynne served as Treasurer in 2002, Vice-President in 2003, President-Elect in 2004, and TMCA President in 2005.  She has served the organization in so many ways that it is hard to list them all.  Her other contributions include: Capital Chapter President, Chair of the TMCA Certification Committee, Chair and Member of the Advisory Management Committee, Chair and Member of the Nominating Committee, Member of the Resolutions Committee.  She was also the TMCA representative on the Board for the Texas Municipal League.  She has been a trainer/teacher at dozens of TMCA seminars over the years.

Outside of her service to TMCA, Mary Lynne has also tirelessly served the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) culminating in her election as the 2009-2010 IIMC President.

While her list of awards is long and impressive, two that are especially pertinent here are: Texas Municipal Clerk of the Year (2002), IIMC Quill Award.

Ms. Stratta was appointed as the city of Bryan City Secretary in 1990.  She also served as the Legislative Director for Bryan for three decades.  After an exemplary career in municipal government, Mary Lynne retired in September 2024.