Manual Type |
Member Price |
Non-Member Price |
Hard Copy Includes Shipping and Handling | $139.00 | $189.00 |
Online Access | $130.00 | $180.00 |
Combination Includes Shipping and Handling | $189.00 | $239.00 |
The sixth edition of this publication is available in both the classic hard copy version or in a online annual subscription version.
Hard copy option: Encased in hardcover three-ring binder; dimensions (in inches): 11.6" x 10.4" x 2". Annual supplements for the printed version of this manual will be mailed to owners annually with an invoice.
Online access option: A subscription offers one year of access to the Texas Municipal Election Law Manual online. This online publication is searchable, and limited printing is available.
Note: This is a single-user license. Owner will be emailed annually with a reminder to renew their online access subscription.
The Texas Municipal Election Law Manual provides city secretaries and all municipal officials with comprehensive information on how to administer municipal elections in Texas. The concise content of the text details every phase of the election process. This manual also includes the following essential information: legal references, regulations, agencies, and contact information of other resources needed to conduct an efficient, cost-effective municipal election.
An accurate, time-saving resource, this book is needed by all novice and experienced Texas election officials. Designed primarily for Texas city secretaries and city clerks who perform the bulk of the administrative election duties, this manual encompasses the responsibilities and actions of mayors, city councils, election judges, clerks, and candidates.
Hard copy version: An annual supplement and three-ring binder format keeps your manual current without pocket parts. When you purchase the hard copy version of the Texas Municipal Election Law Manual, you will receive automatic annual supplements with an invoice.
Annual online subscription version: Access to the latest content of the Texas Municipal Election Law Manual online.
Chapter | Chapter Contents
1 - Introductory Information
about the manual
about election law
about municipalities
about city secretary duties
basic rules of Election Code
steps in conducting election
2 - Candidates
offices and terms
filing & eligibility
withdrawal, death, ineligibility
3 - Funds & Campaigns [TEC]
filing requirements
political advertising
4 - Voter qualifications & registration
qualifications for voting
registration procedures
lists of registered voters
5 - Pre-Election Planning
select a date
negotiate contracts
establish method of voting
secure supplies
identify precincts, wards, and districts
6 - Election Activities
ordering an election
cancelling an election
preparing and ordering ballots
finding polling places
providing notice of election
preparing equipment and supplies
assisting signature verification committee
maintaining office hours
preparing unofficial student elections
appendix: SOS cancellation
7 - Election Workers
role of city secretary
early voting clerk and deputies
early voting ballot board
signature verification committee
presiding judges
central counting station
criminal offenses
8 - Others Present at the Polls
generally authorized
assistants and translators
inspectors and related observers
9 - Early Voting
general information
early voting by personal appearance
early voting by mail
federal post card application
forms for special voting
records of early voting
10 - ED Voting & Counting
early voting
election day voting
curbside voting
conduct at polls
after polls close
11 - Post-Election Activities
day after the election
provisional and mail ballots
canvassing returns
taking office
reporting and verifying results
election litigation
securing supplies
election records
12 - Special Elections
candidates: runoff/tie/vacancies
This invaluable reference is the only administrative Texas election law manual of its kind.
"The Texas Municipal Election Law Manual, published by the Texas Municipal Clerks Certification Program, is an absolute must-have tool for any municipal clerk in the State of Texas. It is detailed and thorough while being very simple to use. When I need guidance on any election issue, my first resource is the Manual. If I need additional information directly from the Texas Election Code, the Manual provides the state law citation, saving a tremendous amount of time searching the Code for the right section(s). Whether you administer your own elections or contract with your county, the Manual is an absolute necessity for accurate information on elected related topics. Your city attorney will use it too!” Mary Lynne Stratta, TRMC, City Secretary, City of Bryan
““The Texas Municipal Election Law Manual is an absolute must-have for anyone that commonly deals with city election issues in Texas. It is truly one of the most indispensable resources in my office.” Bill Longley, General Counsel, Texas Municipal League
“There are several resource guides on elections, generally, but the lawyers at our firm consistently turn first to the Texas Municipal Election Law Manual because it is practical, always current, and specific to cities.” Alan Bojorquez, Attorney at Law, Bojorquez Law Firm, PLLC; author, Texas Municipal Law & Procedure Manual
Rose Kanusky has been licensed as an attorney in Texas since 1994. After graduating from law school, she served as a briefing attorney to the Honorable Lee Duggan, Jr., and the Honorable Tim Taft, both Justices on the First Court of Appeals, and the Honorable Tom Rickhoff, Justice on the Fourth Court of Appeals. She served as staff attorney to the Honorable Paul W. Green, then a Justice on the Fourth Court of Appeals, before leaving government service. In private practice, her first introduction to the inner workings of the election process was through litigation. Then, in 2015, Rose accepted an invitation from her colleague, Clay Binford, to help his public finance clients manage their bond and other special elections. It was a decision that changed her life. Since then, she has worked with 30 to 40 government clients annually as they navigate the challenges of the election process.